Friday, October 20, 2006

Almost Famous

I don't know if I should take it as a sign that my musings are missed, or that my friends are just bored, but 2, count 'em, 2 folks commented to me this evening that I hadn't updated the blog in a while. It gave me a fleeting warm fuzzy feeling to know that they cared and were checking in. The fuzzies were quickly overshadowed by a brow-furrowing sadness that my life has become either too busy, or too boring to have anything to write about.

So, I scanned last last October's blogs, and decided we'd get in the 'ol way-back-machine for a few minutes and reminisce about 1 year ago.
I was resting up (it is 6 hours later in France, after all) after a misty, beautiful Friday drive from Nantes to the Normandy region. Perhaps we were in Bayeux, looking into small but brilliant Cathedral nooks like this:

A few hours from now, we would be waking from comfortable slumber (remember, any bed other than our thin, tiny trailer park bed was like heaven). Our day probably started with thick coffee with thick milk and some divine locally baked pastry - enough to fuel us up as we took to the beaches made famous by D-Day. The bright sunshine seemed to fade those ghosts of years past who took those shores like heroes. We just stood and contemplated the placid sea, thinking of those young people, not too different from us, who had been there over 60 years prior. .

But reminscing can only get you so far. Today is today, and while I often miss France desperately, back here at home we have friends, family, and well, a touch of fame to enjoy. Not only has bizarro Jeff Weaver helped pitch his Cardinals to the World Series (eh..see we didn't have October baseball's magic to enjoy last fall), but the REAL Jeff Weaver has a touch of fame as well, along with several of our other pals.

Backstory: Our community group from church did a volunteer project one saturday at Cafe 458. In short, they serve good, dignified meals to Atlanta's homeless community during the week, then raise funds on the weekends by serving good, dignified meals to whoever will pay for them to support the Cafe's mission. We all played wait staff and dish-washers for the day, and really enjoyed ourselves and the folks at Cafe 458. The spirit was captured wonderfully on film by patron (and fellow community-groupie) Michael Shivers. Some brass at Mastercard found these photos on his page and bam! Moolah for Michael and 15 minutes for Jeff and some of our friends. Visit (quickly before some new do-gooders steal our thunder).

Coming Soon...."Almost Famous - The Music Addition"


Elizabeth said...

Katie blogged! Wow. I was just having a conversation with friends about France last night and was actually thinking of you. Fall always makes me think of Versailles.

And cool that you guys are almost famous on the MasterCard page. :-)

Matt said...

That is really cool. Great picture on the home page too. It's really amazing that the MasterCard people just stumbled across the pictures on Flickr, this marketplace of ideas that is the internet never ceases to amaze me.

Nice to see a post, Katie!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Jeff, sit back and enjoy your fame now cause next thing you know you will blow all your money on some addiction, claim bankruptcy, and finally be on VH1's where are they now. All because of this picture. I miss France too!

Anonymous said...

Is this really Katie... this is raina! I searched myspace for you and didn't find you and then googled you and came to this page... email me. My email is my first name then an "a" then the last name all together...!